
Une destination, un voyage commun

Sign up to drive with HYDD

Join us as a partner chauffeur

Complete the form to initiate your accreditation now

Why become a HYDD partner chauffeur?

Increase your income

Bénéficiez de notre plateforme technologique pour optimiser et sécuriser votre chiffre d’affaires.

International clientele

Notre clientèle est principalement composée de VIP et corporate.

A win-win Collaboration

Take advantage of our adaptable partnership model with our drivers, allowing them the freedom to manage trips on their own terms. Enjoy the convenience of regular income deposits directly into your bank account.

Our requirements

HYDD is dedicated to upholding
the highest quality standards.

Ensuring top-notch accreditation for our driver partners

We require impeccable personal and behavioral standards to guarantee the best service for our customers.

Vehicle compliance

Our rigorous evaluation process ensures that vehicles meet high standards for interior and exterior condition, maintenance monitoring, and up-to-date passenger transport insurance.

Get started!


Complétez le formulaire d’inscription pour devenir Chauffeur Partenaire HYDD.


Présentez-vous, sur la base d’une invitation dans nos locaux afin d’y passer un test de compétences complété par une revue du véhicule et des documents réglementaires. Cette étape sera également dédiée à la familiarisation de notre application.

Accept rides and improve your income

Commencez à accepter des courses et faites des gains significatifs de revenus.

1. Inscription

Complete the registration form to become a HYDD Partner Driver

2. Accréditation

We cordially invite you to join us for a skills test, review of vehicle and regulatory documents, and an introduction to our application at our premises. We look forward to seeing you there!

3. Acceptez des courses et améliorer vos revenus

Start accepting rides and earn significant revenue

How does the HYDD chauffeur application work?


Download the HYDD Driver App and log in

After downloading, connect via code that will be communicated to you by HYDD.

How does the HYDD chauffeur application work?

Download the HYDD Driver App and log in

Suite au téléchargement, connectez-vous via le code qui vous sera communiqué par HYDD.


La sécurité fait partie de notre ADN

Our chauffeurs partner are the garantes for the safety of each customer and their personal belongings, guaranteeing a secure and reliable journey.

GPS tracking

All activities are actively geolocated and can be constantly monitored in the event of an incident.

24/7 Customer Support

Our dedicated teams are always ready to assist you, ensuring support in any situation.